Friday, June 24, 2011

"That Was Easy"

It has been too long since I have added anything to my blog! So much has happened! Since the last posting we sold the house, that was three months ago. But between now and then our daughter, Ann got married - that was Great!

I think that this blog will be my diary of sorts, since I don't really have any follower anyway. I won't get too personal, but rather try to document this next stage of our lives. We are now "empty nesters", kind of starting over - like when we were first married I tell people. We live in a two bedroom rental with no children (or grandchildren) and with an unknown future. We are both working, but also working toward not working :) We are in search of our next home/project. We always are trying to find balance between purpose and play. We hope to travel more.

Well I think that will be all for today, but I think I will add soon some thoughts on the last few events soon.

The photo shown here is one of the last taken at our home on Bay Lake which we sold in late March - THAT was HECTIC is what the button should have said....